Enduring Silence
I had the honor of accompanying contemporary Kathak dancer Parul Shah at the Erasing Borders festival of Indian Dance in New York. We performed an original work, titled Enduring Silence, with original music by myself, violinist Trina Basu, and Narendra Budhakar on tabla. Parul's dance integrated elements of contemporary and abstract movement while using her foundation in traditional Kathak. You can read reviews of the performance from the NY Times and the Financial Times.
#HindustaniCello #Cello and #Composer #IndianCello #Kathak #ParulShah #JakeCharkey #CelloJake #IndianClassicalMusic #IndianMusic #Strings #Violin #TrinaBasu #NarendraBudhakar #NYTimes #FinancialTimes #EnduringSilence #ErasingBordersFestivall #IndianDance #ContenporaryIndianDance