
This survival film is Cannes-nominated director Vikramaditya Motwane's third feature film directorial venture. 'Shaurya' (Rajkummar Rao) has to stay alive after he accidentally locks himself up in his new rented apartment in a desolate Mumbai high-rise, for almost a week. I recorded remotely for the background score, which was composed by my friend and talented composer Alokananda Dasgupta.

#VikramadityaMotwane #Trapped #RajkummarRao #AlokanandaDasgupta #Cello #Bollywood #JakeCharkey #CelloJake #CelloBollywood #IndianCinema #IndianMusic #Hindifilm #FilmMusic #Filmscore #CelloinCanne #BackgroundScore #PhantomProduction #RelianceEntertainment #MadhuMantena #VikasBahl #AnuragKashyap #AmitJoshi #HardikMehta