New Directions Cello Festival

This year I had the opportunity to be a featured guest artist at the 23rd Annual New Directions Cello Festival in Ithaca, NY. Cellists gather to explore innovations in cello playing with a focus on all things non-classical. I presented a program of Indian classical music with tabla wizard Devesh Chandra and gave workshops in Hindustani cello playing. It was remarkable to witness some of the cellists' first exposure to the genre. I learned so much meeting the other fantastic guest artists, Tomeka Reid, Yaniel Matos, Gunther Tiedemann, Zachary Brown, and Malcolm Parson. This was a truly inspiring experience.
#NewDirectionsCelloFestival #HindustaniCello #CelloJake #IthacaMusicCollege #JakeCharkey #IthacaNY #IndianClassicalMusic #IndianMusic #DeveshChandra #Tabla #Cello #IndianCello #TomekaReid #YanielMatos #GuntherTiedemann #ZacharyBrown #MalcolmParson #Cellosseries #Improvisation #CreativeImprovisation #Hindustani #NYCMusic